Arguement for online education

For your Documented Argument, you must select a topic that falls under the larger umbrella of online education. You can choose to build an argument around any number of issues for which I will not make any further suggestions at this time. It is up to you to find a specific issue to engage with

Please pick a specific topic and use credible sources.
Added on 09.05.2016 01:16
Completion of Assignment: five points Are all five components of the Documented Argument completed according to the expectations of each respective component?

Argumentation: five points Is there a clear thesis statement? Is the thesis statement making a claim? Does the rest of the paper effectively argue the thesis?

Organization: five points Does each body paragraph stick to a single, clear idea? Are the paragraphs utilizing transitions and topic sentences? Is there a clear and useful counterargument?

Sources/Ethos five points Does the paper effectively use sources to support its criteria? Is each source introduced correctly? Does each paragraph try to build off the idea presented by each source? Is the required number of sources used within the paper?

Format: five points Does the paper follow the formatting guidelines, including but not limited to font, margins and heading?

Proper Citation: five points Is there a works cited page and are all sources accounted for? Are sources being cited according to MLA citation guidelines?

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