Assignment 2: Vice President of Operations, Part 2. Part 1 is attached

Due Week 6 and worth 280 pointsRefer to the scenario from Assignment 1: Imagine that you are the vice president of operations at a production or service organization. You have noticed that your organization’s current operations strategy is not supporting the challenges that the organization is presently facing. In order to maintain a competitive edge, you must address these challenges with your Chief Executive Officer immediately.Select an existing production organization. Analyze the organization’s current vision, mission, business strategy, operation strategy, supply chain, total quality management, just-in-time philosophy, forecasting method, statistical technique, facility location, work design, project life cycle, and project management. You will need this information in order to complete this and subsequent assignments.As you collect the information for Assignment 1 and Assignment 2, remember that in Assignment 3 you must prepare a presentation for your Chief Executive Officer.Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you:Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

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