Business SWOT analysis and financial Ratios calculations.

Look at the zipped file versus the work I did.  the word document has section 1 done. In section 2, I have done someparts and there are sections left out, follow the picture instructions againaist the work and completeAlso, you should be able to draw the strategic map needed in section 2, and a chart needed in section 3make the whole work complete.  Focus on pet smart not pet business in general but we need the company pet smart. And cite all sources and have it. same analysis and same financial analysis, Make sure you give the sources of the figure, use yahoo finance if possible Also make a financila analysis of the following ratios, let your source of figures be YAHOO FINANCE, and please cite this. Some of the groups wanted more information on the type of financial figures that you should include in your report. Use either the closest two competitors for a benchmark or industry averages.   Gross Profit Margin Operating Profit Margin ROA ROE ROI Working Capital Current Ratio Debt-to-Equity Include any other financial analysis that you feel would be pertinent to telling your company\’s story 

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