Dialogue: An Evening With…Sarah, Kate, Henry, and Stephen.
Read the attached auto bio of the four authors and their short stories(you could find the story online): Sarah Orne Jewett: \”The Town Poor\”
Henry James: \”The Beast in the Jungle\”
Kate Chopin: \”A Pair of Silk Stockings\”
Stephen Crane: \”Maggie: A Girl of the Streets\”
Then create a DIALOGUE between them!. From what you have observed in these authors\’ short stories, create a conversation between them. Note their style of speech. Is it high speech or low speech? Or, is it somewhere in between? What characteristics of the dialogue did you note? You will need your creative juices flowing for this forum.
For example: Sarah\’s speech might reflect her New England upbringing and her life in a small, cultured New England town. Chopin, who lived in the South, might have a Southern or a Creole air about her speech.
You will create a dinner conversation among the four authors. Your subject will be the regionalism and naturalism of the stories of this period. (Establish which camp the authors might be in, if perhaps both!
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