Discuss in your paper current research related to this topic, various types of theoretical ideas related to this chapter and ways that these topics will be of interest to you in your future.

This week you will be review all of the Chapters of your Text. This assignment for this week is due Wednesday. Assignment directions: You will write a 1000 to 1200 paper (using APA formatting). Select one of Chapters from your text and conduct an Internet Search for articles related to this topic. Discuss in your paper current research related to this topic, various types of theoretical ideas related to this chapter and ways that these topics will be of interest to you in your future. You can include how this information will be useful to you personally and professionally. Explore current research on a topic of interest to you. Include how this chapter has changed your overall understanding of psychology and how you might use this information in your career and personal life. Integrate citations that relate to current research in your paper. You will need to use citations and references. You can use the text as one of the references. Use at least 4 references or more for this assignment.The book is: Discovering Psychology – Hockenbury 6th edition

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