Etymology Paper on the phrase, “Hat trick”

Project description
WRT 102
Etymology Paper
For this paper, you will be writing an expository essay that explores the history of a word or phrase, which must be a minimum of 3-5 complete pages (not including a mandatory Works Cited page), and a minimum of 5 sources.

Select a word or a phrase that you are interested in learning about. Using the Oxford English Dictionary and other online and physical resources, trace the etymology and history of the word throughout time, and write an expository paper on the word and how you think it has come to find its place in our language and vernacular. Try researching a few different words or idioms before you settle on one. A word as simple as pants could have a world of meaning to explore.
Your paper should have a clear thesis statement, including a subject, argument, and directives, and have a strong argument and thoughtful conclusion. All essays should be typed, double space in 12-point Times New Roman font with one-inch margins. You should have both a properly formatted MLA heading as well as a Works Cited page. Your final draft should be uploaded to both SafeAssign and the Wiki.
Here are some possible places to conduct research:
OED (Oxford English Dictionary online, available through SBs Library)

The phrase chosen for this paper is “hat trick” mainly in regards to how it came about to be used in the sport ice hockey. Other sports are mentioned in the beginning, please leave those sports in the paper,but add to anything that needs clarification. Please also add in text citations.
Added on 03.05.2016 01:32
WRT 102
Etymology Paper
For this paper, you will be writing an expository essay that explores the history of a word or phrase, which must be a minimum of 3-5 complete pages (not including a mandatory Works Cited page), and a minimum of 5 sources.

Select a word or a phrase that you are interested in learning about. Using the Oxford English Dictionary and other online and physical resources, trace the etymology and history of the word throughout time, and write an expository paper on the word and how you think it has come to find its place in our language and vernacular. Try researching a few different words or idioms before you settle on one. A word as simple as pants could have a world of meaning to explore.
Your paper should have a clear thesis statement, including a subject, argument, and directives, and have a strong argument and thoughtful conclusion. All essays should be typed, double space in 12-point Times New Roman font with one-inch margins. You should have both a properly formatted MLA heading as well as a Works Cited page. Your final draft should be uploaded to both SafeAssign and the Wiki.
Here are some possible places to conduct research:
OED (Oxford English Dictionary online, available through SBs Library)

The phrase chosen for this paper is \\\”hat trick\\\” mainly in regards to how it came about to be used in the sport ice hockey. Other sports are mentioned in the beginning, please leave those sports in the paper,but add to anything that needs clarification. Please also add in text citations.

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