Instructions for the Article Review
Locate a peer-reviewed article (related to the course content) published within the last 60 days in a peer-reviewed journal from the online library, then present a 2-3 page assessment comprising of a precise and critical evaluation. Do not summarize the article. Evaluate the information presented in the article.
This assignment has many benefits. First, it requires a search of indexing and abstracting databases from the online library to find an article that meets the specified criteria (must be related to the course content). It also emphasizes what a scholarly article is; to discern between scholarly and non-scholarly writing; to condense someone else\’s lengthy argument into a concise report; to think critically about what has been read by assessing the strengths and weaknesses of the research; and, thus, to become participants in the discussions regarding the Supply Chain and Logistics profession.
Article Review Rubric
All papers should meet the following criteria:
Follow APA formatting and style guidelines (6th edition)
Follow all instructions for each assignment
12 inch standard font such as Arial, Times New Roman or Calibri
1 inch margins
Submitted on time
Represent your best work
Link to the library is alone please make sure the article is from the last 60 days.
user id 4091036
pw !QAZ2wsx
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