There are challenges for health insurer and one of them is to keep the premium to the minimum. The problem is that health insurer are not the are not the price setters for the benefits payed out. What health insurance is about is to do their best to cover hospital cost etc. HBF consistently negotiates with hospital to keep premium down to the minimal. Hospital would like to increase prices as much as possible but health insurer (HBF) would like to keep it minimal. There was a year that they could not agree on a rate.Hospital wanted to increase bed rate for HBF members by much more than what was justifyable. Issue was how to respond to that request cause ultimately it affects HBF members. Hospital was under pressure to get a better return due to shareholders so that they can increase share price. they were looking for the highest increase. HBF interest was to look after members so that they wont have to pay a large sum of premium. Different in opinion on what drives the business If HBF were to rolled over for the rate that the hospital would increase on, other hospitals would pressurise them to increase rates in all other hospitals as well. It could become a habit. That would have put a whole lot of pressure on the health premiums. there was an issue of basic financial management.
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