
Project description
Cohort groups are to answer the overarching question (OQ) of the courseHow does Scripture inform the Christian worldview such that the integration of faith and reason impacts culture?
We are doing on religious diversity
Added on 05.05.2016 04:59
Here is what i need you to do. you don”t need to do a project. i just need you to research something from me from the these books.
Guinness, Os. Renaissance: The Power of the Gospel However Dark the Times. Downers Grove: InterVarsity, 2014.
(2) Horner, David. Mind Your Faith: A Students Guide to Thinking and Living Well. Downers Grove: InterVarsity Academic, 2011.
(3) Plantinga, Cornelius. Engaging Gods World: A Christian Vision of Faith, Learning, and Living. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2002.
for the (2) and (3) book you just have to use google and find the ebook in google use your google account and read the free sample.
here is the link and
Added on 05.05.2016 05:00
for the Guinness, Os. Renaissance: The Power of the Gospel However Dark the Times.
here is the link,+Os.+Renaissance:+The+Power+of+the+Gospel+However+Dark+the+Times.+Downers+Grove:+InterVarsity,+2014.&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwijzbCQycLMAhUQ3GMKHaTXAscQ6AEIHTAA#v=onepage&q=Guinness%2C%20Os.%20Renaissance%3A%20The%20Power%20of%20the%20Gospel%20However%20Dark%20the%20Times.%20Downers%20Grove%3A%20InterVarsity%2C%202014.&f=false
Added on 05.05.2016 05:03
Here is the research is all about
Research based on this!
What so significant about the resurrection? both (Christian and other religion).
(historical aspects and other religion) FOCUS on this
facts, statistics(the percentage of major religion in the world), core belief of each of religion, similarities(do they all teach about good work? or peace? what type of good work do they teach) what differences between them and christianity.
-Good work (pleasing God)
Added on 05.05.2016 05:04
write down in 500 words anything that is related to this.
You must cite Guinness Renaissance at least three times and the other course texts (Plantinga, Plummer & Horner) twice each. IMPORTANT
Added on 05.05.2016 05:10
and find extra information on these sources
you can find this by going to biola library online and just type the title for this. just use the ebook version.
if possible can you find the statistic of world religion in the world but don\”t use wikipedia. if you find in these 5 sources great if not then its fine
Added on 05.05.2016 05:17
Just a friendly reminder that these are the things you need to find and write in the paper. i just need the cite that are related to these
Research based on this!
What so significant about the resurrection? both (Christian and other religion).
(historical aspects and other religion) FOCUS
facts, statistics, core belief of each of religion, similarities(do they all teach about good work? or peace? what type of good work do they teach) what differences between them and christianity.
Good work (pleasing God)

i don\”t need you to write a paper. for the 500 words i just need you to find the information regarding these things from the sources. and don\”t forget to write the page number where you find it.
Instruction files

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