Project description
For this assignment, you will create a properly formatted APA reference list and will add it to the References section of your Research Plan. Using Chapter 7 of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association as your resource, complete this assignment:
Use the reference list you created in the previous assignment, Advanced Searching Techniques.
After the reference for each article in that reference list, type in the example and page numbers (from Chapter 7 of the APA 6th edition Manual) of the reference example that best matches the article. For example, if the reference is to a journal article with a DOI, the example number and page number would be “Example 1, p. 198.” If your formatting of the reference is not APA-compliant (according to that example), correct it here and then add the corrected item to the References section of your Research Plan.
Here is an example of what your entry should look like for this assignment: Jones, J. (2011). Possibilities of error in APA reference formatting. Journal of Library Science, 43, 111-117. DOI: 1234567890. Example 1, p. 198.
To complete the assignment, submit the list with the APA Manual examples and page numbers to the assignment area. Then, submit a copy of the Research Plan, with the properly formatted articles added to the References section, to the assignment area as well.
You will not receive feedback (although the faculty instructor will check that you have submitted the assignment), but you must submit the assignment to move on.
Searching by subject.
Searching cited references.
Searching by methodology.
Practice by searching for new articles on your research topic in each of these modalities. Find at least ten new articles to add to your literature review on your dissertation topic. In a Word document titled “Firstname_Lastname_Reference_List” (e.g. John_Doe_Reference_List), report on the results of your searching with the advanced techniques. Report a minimum of ten articles, distributed as follows:
At least two articles on your topic discovered using subject searching.
At least six articles on your topic discovered using cited references (three from Reference Lists and three from Google Scholar’s cited reference search option).
At least two articles on your topic discovered using methodology searching.
Deepen research skills by using controlled vocabulary to search for more focused results. 25%
Add to Literature Review by mining bibliographies and searching cited references. 25%
Demonstrate the ability to search by methodology. 25%
Demonstrate the ability to search for articles by their type (e.g., experimental, correlational, theoretical, etc.).

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