What are the major types of diabetes? Describe the differences among them.

 1. What are the major types of diabetes? Describe the differences among them. 2.  What is metabolic syndrome? 3. Which vitamin and mineral are most important for maximizing bone mass and reducing risk of osteoporosis? 4. Identify the negative consequences of weight cycling.  5. What are the four components of a sound approach to weight management? 6. Obesity is seen as a complex disorder with multiple contributing factors. Give examples of each of the following factors: biological, social and environmental, lifestyle, and behavioral. 7. If you had to identify one single step as the start to your own program of healthy eating, what would it be? Is it obtainable? Realistic?8. What are some of the reasons (challenges)  it is hard for some people to lose weight and maintain it (challenges mentioned in video)? In your opinion, what is a realistic solution for this? Use a scholarly journal as a support to your solution. (worth 3 points)

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