Write a report that explores how a business sector can demonstrate its responsibilities today.

Write a report that explores how a business sector can demonstrate its responsibilities today. I WANT YOU TO FOCUSE ON :
1 Coffee farming in Latin America
Your report should attempt the tasks below. It should provide examples drawn from specific firms in support of your arguments.
a) Examine and discuss the key issues of corporate responsibility relating to your chosen sector. Weighting 50%
b) Analyse and explain what you consider to be \’best practice\’ within the sector, making reference to ethical theory. Weighting 40%
c) Make recommendations for businesses in the sector to show they are being more responsible. Weighting 10%
Blatant reproduction of your chosen companys material will lead to failure. The paper copy report should be typed, double-spaced and no more than 3000 words in length excluding appendices. You must acknowledge your sources of information and evidence, using the Harvard referencing system. An electronic copy of the assignment should also be submitted through Turn IT In (via the VLE) at the same time.

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