3 Different blog posts

In what ways is the \”old\” world (as represented by the range of works represented in our textbook) similar to, different from, or prophetic of, our \”new\” world?
I will teach you how to use blogs, and also how to use various Internet resources for linking, uploading images, maps, etc. These blog entries should be of \”paragraph\” size: 100 words or so. I will show you sample posts from previous classes that will give you some idea how to interpret the \”Distant Mirror\” theme, but you are free to expand on that interpretation creatively, but thoughtfully.

Here is a link to the blog used for the fall semester version of this course, just to give a sample of the posts you should prepare. Be sure to read the description on the syllabus, as well.

These are my 3 topics. Compare my topics with new world
1)Odyssey by Homer Vs New world
2)Paradise Lost by John Milton Vs New World.
3)The Canterbury Tales Vs New World

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