Any topic (writer\’s choice)

Answer all 10 questions above please.

Question1: Give an example of a consumer goods company that has followed a multidomestic or polycentric marketing approach and explain why that approach has worked for that company.

Question 2: Give an example of a national legal constraint on advertising and link this to an example of an advertising campaign that would have to adapted because of this constraint.

Question 3: Give an example of a self-regulatory code of advertising practice.

Question 4: Define and give examples of primary and secondary market research and qualitative and quantitative research. Using a case covered this semester, give an example of a business that made ineffective use of market research, and explain how it could have improved its effectiveness.

Question 5: In the article we read on effective advertising, the author suggests that great advertisements should be, among other things, noticeable, memorable and branded. Give an example that explains how an advertisement could be noticeable and memorable yet fail to be sufficiently branded

Question 6: Give an example of a sales promotion that might help spread the diffusion of a product innovation

Question 7: You are going to negotiate a distribution contract with a senior executive in a foreign country that ranks very high on Hofstede\’s power distance scale. What kinds of strategies or tactics might be advisable for you to utilize?

Question 8: Give an example of \”gray market\” or \”parallel imports\”.

Question 9: From the cases and readings we have done this semester, give an example of a \”marketing failure\” — where a company has done a poor job of marketing or of strategic marketing analysis. State the basis facts of what happened and why it was a failure, then suggest what the company could have done right.

Question 10: From the cases and readings we have done this semester, give an example of a \”marketing success\” — where a company has done an excellent or brilliant job of marketing or of strategic marketing analysis. State the basis facts of what happened and why it was a success, then suggest what that teaches us and other companies on what to do right.

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