Conduct a Web search on unequal representation in the Senate.

Discussion—The US Senate Representation for StatesWhen the US Constitution was written, the larger states wanted representation in both the House and the Senate to be proportional to the population. Smaller states wanted a single legislative chamber with equal representation for each state. As a compromise, the current structure of proportional representation in the House and two Senators per state was created. This structure has led to great inequalities in Senatorial representation among citizens in different states. At the extremes, Wyoming has one senator for every 260,000 residents, while California has one senator for every 18,000,000 residents.In this context, share your opinion on whether this level of unequal representation in the US Senate is appropriate.To help you in this discussion, you can conduct a Web search on unequal representation in the Senate.To participate in the discussion, complete the following tasks: 

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