The paper should be at least ten (10) pages in length, not inclusive of the abstract page, any cover sheets or pages devoted to the bibliography. You must utilize APA-style for your paper. Students additionally must reference their sources and prepare a bibliography.
Added on 14.05.2016 14:40
All students are required to submit a research paper related to course content. The paper will constitute 30% of your Final Grade. The paper should be at least ten (10) pages in length, not inclusive of the abstract page, any cover sheets or pages devoted to the bibliography. You must utilize APA-style for your paper. Students additionally must reference their sources and prepare a bibliography. Representatives from the Library and the Writing Center will conduct in-class workshops early in the semester offering instruction on researching, formulating a thesis, outlining, writing and proofreading (the dates are indicated in the class schedule below). Students should also make (early semester) appointments with the Library and the Writing Center to discuss and explore individual ideas and issues. The class schedule contains due dates for the submission of topics, outlines, preliminary drafts and final papers.
Added on 14.05.2016 14:42
Your research paper discussion must be grounded, anchored by scholarly sources (i.e. books, scholarly journals, government reports). Your assertions must be backed-up by citations of scholarly literature. Your paper is not about undocumented emotional rantings, conjecture and / or personal values.
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