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Basically I have been suspended from my university and I have to write an appeal letter in order for my university to give me a chance to continue studying in spring/summer semester and therefore maintain a GPA over 2.00 and get in clear standing ( clear standing is a GPA OVER 2.00)
Below I will explain you in detail about what happened in last 2 semester starting from September 2015 to April 2016 (2 semesters) and the stuff I want you to mention in the letter
Please first of all start off by saying I want to reinstated and I am very upset to find out about my suspension
So basically I was going into my 2nd year of Mechanical engineering in September 2015 semester, I took a full course load but fell behind due to transportation as I was commuting from far, 3hours by bus. once I realizes I was falling behind courses I dropped one courses in order to focus on the remaining courses but I was really behind so due to that case I wasnt able to keep with all courses and ended up failing one and doing poorly in others. At the same time my older sisters wedding was right across the corner and also my family wanted to purchase a house so due to this I had to help out my family by getting a job and I just wasnt able to keep up with my courses and ended up falling behind (NOTE: ITS UP TO YOU(the writer) TO WRITE IT PROPERLY AND IN ORDER, MAYBE GO LIKE FINCANAL PROBLEM, HOUSE, WEDDING, TRASNPORATION)
During the 2nd winter semester from Jan 2016, my parents bought a house that they were intending to buy, my dad had to go out of country for work related stuff but at the same time my mom and little sister still were living at the old place and didnt move into the newly bought house, since I am the oldest of the house I had to take full responsibility that was showing people the house for renting out the rooms. I got some really bad tenants who were very bad and abusive they never followed any house rules my life was a mess, which is when I had to kick them out, but kicking them out wasnt easy as I had to call cops on quite a few occasion which was very very stressful and I was unable to focus on studies since my mind could not focus under those harsh circumstances.
The mental stress affected my health and personal life negatively. I started having sleepless nights therefore I could not focus in class. These circumstances were not under my control. But now after speaking to parents and explaining them my situation as of May 1st 2016 my family has moved in to the house and therefore I would have not have to deal with any bad tenants because my family realized how badly it has affected my studies and which is why they moved in to the house with me(NOTE: SO NO MORE TEANTS, ITS A FAMILY HOUSE NOW), therefore I can assure you that I will receive a GPA of 2.00 or higher if this appeal gets accepted. Transportation would never be an issue as I live a minute away from university. Since my family has moved in with me I will no longer be experiencing anxiety and other health related issue, my family is doing a lot better finically now and have decided to support me fully so I can continue my studies and get out of probation.
I can assure you that will be able give my 100 percent and shall let no excuses get in the way of me living up to the expectations.
I am willing to take courses that I have done poorly in, I will be update with advising about my progress, I will use all of university resources, workshops to improve my performance in classes. I have heard about probation workshop which I am willing to attend.

I would love to complete my dream of proudly graduating from this prestigious university as a Mechanical Engineer
I really need this chance to prove my worth that I am not a bad student and am a good student. Kindly reinstate me spring and summer semester as I promise to improve my GPA. I am making this humble appeal believing that I am a good learner who had a very ruthless year. Kindly give me another chance to prove my prowess in academics and reignite my dream of having a brighter future.
This is a very very important letter for me as my life is riding on this letter. PLEASE HELP ME

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