Project description
Read OR THOROUGHLY understand the 3 short stories by Flannery O\’ Conner. \”A Good Man Is Hard To Find\”, \”Good Country People\”, and \”The Life You Save May Be Your Own\”. Demonstrate how the times during which the author lived and wrote, inspired their work. Aspects of history to consider; politics, peace/war, poverty/prosperity, personal/civil rights, technology, education, nature, achievement, success within the context of society at that time, etc. You will need to research both the time period and the author\’s biography in order to address the topic. This requires at least 3 secondary sources and 1 primary source. One of the sources must be book/kindle (print). No Wikipedia! Avoid (.com) as much as possible. A works cited page is a MUST! Use Provide a strong thesis statement. Make sure the paper stays on topic with the thesis statement. Properly cite all direct quotes, summaries, and paraphrasing with parenthetical citations. Make sure to have a topic sentence for EVERY paragraph. Use transitions effectively. The introduction should introduce the topic and capture the interest of the audience. The conclusion should reiterate how you have shown the cause & effect relationship between the time period and the author and their works. The 4 pages does NOT include the works cited page.
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