Doctor Caitlin

Unit Assignment Unit I Scholarly Activity After completing the unit and reviewing the Stearns article, answer the following in your own words: “Why I believe it is important to study history.” First, examples from this unit must be utilized as part of your answer, and topics may include, but are not limited to, the following: describing the possible migration of ancient peoples; the influence that trade, agriculture, and tools had on movements; and how colonial actions and colonization impacted those among whom the colonists settled. Second, when studying the movements of Native American peoples and European exploration during the 15th and 16th centuries, what does history tell us about the motivations of God, gold, and glory? Why do you believe it was important to study these motivating factors? Your response should be a minimum of two (2) pages in length. All sources used must be cited and referenced. Paraphrased or quoted material must have accompanying citations. 

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