Remember, respond individually to the questions in this post.
Functional Assessment and Treatment Questions
Moran, D.J., & Maillot, R.W. (Eds.; 2004). Evidence-based educational methods. San Diego: Elsevier Academic Press.
1. Haley(2012) discusses several reasons often given for not conducting a functional analysis (FA).
(a) Pick three reasons personally that would likely prevent or have prevented conducting an FA.
(b) If you decided to not conduct a FA, what other options do you have for determining a function of a behavior?
2. Not much has been published about the hypothesis-driven model of problem behavior (Rep, Felice, Barton, 1998) discussed in teh Carr (1994) article since it was written. However, for some cases, it seems particularly well-suited. In fact, there are many cases to suggest that just because you conduct an FA does not mean that you have conclusively determined the function of a behavior(s). What you can say is that for the environmental variables you have introduced and controlled for, and under a certain type of conditions which a function was tested, that it appears that \”x\” is a function of \”y\”. Which is why Carr, and any good behavior analyst, recommends making sure you \”get it right\” when you initially do your indirect assessment. Because if the context isn\’t right, you may not have the correct discriminate stimuli, motivating operations, or schedule of reinforcement to occasion the behavior in an analogue setting (i.e. clinic, classroom) as it naturally occurs.
(a) What do you think are some of the problems of using the hypothesis-driven model as a mode of assessment for making conclusions about function(s) of a behavior?
3. Tiger, Hanley, Bruzek (2008) provide summary recommendations for conducting FCT. In the clinic, training a functoinal communicatoin response (FCR) as part of FCT is relativley easy (the hard part is thinning the schedule of reinforcement!). Often it is easy because in a clinic you control the variables (i.e. when they are introduced, their form, etc.)
(a) Given some of the details, give some thought to and name three obstacles that you think would be most problematic when conducting FCT in a natural environment setting (i.e. home, home-classroom, work, etc.).

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