No marketing manager can survive in todays technologically mediated society without understanding the unbridled power of the Internet and with the social networks that exist on its platform. Many Web browsers believe that services like Yahoo, Google and Facebook, to name a few, are free services provided solely for their use and entertainment. But, these networks are lucrative commercial enterprises that are thriving businesses; i.e., ones that survive on the advertising revenue they can acquire. Correspondingly, the multi-billion dollar networking industry, eBay, makes its fortune by selling not only advertising but by providing its users a global auction-like flea market of which the corporation takes a share its share in the form of listing fees and percentage of the buying price. eBay has revolutionized the Customer-to-Customer (C2C) market. Only in a public auction can price and value be determined by the individual.
Part 1. Find an item within your home that you would enjoy selling to members of the C2C market. Using the attached template, create a mock (storyboard) ad for an eBay post. Within your written posting, explain your target market, as well as your marketing and pricing strategy within your Forum tread, and then attach a storyboard before you post. I highly suggest that you visit some eBay postings on similar items in respect to your choice to give you layout ideas. You will see some great marketing and some extremely poor attempts at promotion on eBay. This is a very creative assignment with thousands examples, thus, there is no sample post.
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