Project description
Your topic area is the lone wolf. In the context of Civil Security you must develop your typology in relation to community resilience and its relationship to both domestic and international terrorism. Your charge is to strengthen resilience at all levels of the community, to include but not necessarily be limited to the individual, household, organization and government. One immediate question to consider is whether the lone wolf really is an individual who acts solely on his/her own or has connection to some ideology. You will need to specifically assess threats and vulnerabilities; develop plans and procedures; demonstrate the necessity of timely and accurate information; and implement your plan. Your position should be rooted in the inclusion of realistic threats. Be sure to introduce your variables as you would in a dissertation. Involve individuals, the community and business as well as first responders such as the police, fire, emergency services and health care professionals.
You must use the Research Design format to ensure all critical elements are included, especially the appropriate focused problem/purpose statements, definitions, review of the literature and methods. It is clear there is no perfect system and there will always be elements of dysfunction; therefore you will focus directly on Chapters 1 and 2 of the Research Design.
The 100 points will be divided as follows:
Provided rigorous support in the response in terms of research and academic literature (50 points)
Answers the question being asked (25 points)
Incorporates creativity or steps outside the box (15 points)
Adds clarity and uses proper academic writing/ APA style (10 points)
You are required to achieve a passing score of 75/100
Writer must have PHD, perfect in APA style, responsive, read instructions and requirements very carefully to follow directions, think outside the box and creative. References must be peered reviewed. Must achieve minimum 85/100 on the paper to pass. I am looking for top writer
I will give all possible imput to assist in the paper
Added on 07.05.2016 09:15
Resilience is a buzzword often used to convey a person or entitys ability to weather a storm, and to recover from some traumatic or conflicting event. The vagueness of how the word is used is a problem in a scholarly sense. Without a clear understanding of how resilience is contextual (defined by the context in which you are addressing it) and the impact of various independent and dependent variables, it is difficult to justify applying the necessary resources. The decision-making process must be based on analytical rather than emotional factors.
It is your responsibility to develop a strategic plan addressing a contextual typology of resilience. Drawing on scholarly research in national security, social theory, and political science, produce a framework for how resilience can be studied and analyzed representative of real world implications/solutions. This concept should be practical in contributing to addressing, if not solving social problems such as natural disasters, terrorism, crime, etc.
Added on 07.05.2016 09:16
Passing grade for second time taking it is 85/100 and not 75/100
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