Company Law

Project description
QUESTION: To what extent does the present law relating to company directors duties and remedies for breach strike an appropriate balance between promoting economic activity and safeguarding shareholder interests.

Formulate reasoned proposals for how, in your view, the system could be improved. In preparing your report you need to address the following areas

1. The historic basis and rationale of directors duties;
2. The current rules governing directors duties;
3. A review of the literature to assess the advantages and disadvantages of the current system and proposals for reform;
4. Your proposals (including the rationale) and how they compare to other jurisdictions, and
5. What those proposals would achieve by reference to striking a balance between competing considerations.

the structure of the paper is as follow:
TITLE: To what extent does the present law relating to company directors duties and remedies for breach strike an appropriate balance between promoting economic activity and safeguarding shareholder interests.
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: A summary of your personal conclusion in relation to the issues raised in the assessment question.
REPORT: The detailed research, critical evaluation and analysis of it which lead you to your conclusion. Each aspect considered in your research and analysis should be covered by separate headings.

(Bibliography) –

Word count is 3000 excluding footnotes and bibliography
Added on 04.05.2016 18:19
Assessment Criteria
Your report should meet the following ten assessment criteria, where appropriate:
1. Demonstration of a high level of knowledge and systematic understanding of the subject.
2. Critical evaluation of current knowledge, research and advanced scholarship.
3. Application of knowledge and understanding to the clients objectives.
4. Comprehensive analysis of complex issues.
5. Arriving at a clear and reasoned solution to the clients problem.
6. Adopting a clear and logical structure.
7. Systematic use of appropriate information in support of the argument.
8. Correct use of English language.
9. Addresses relevant ethical and commercial issues.
10. Application of appropriate practitioner skills to a high level.

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